Is there any way to handle key press events in ApplicationWindow of QtQuick.Controls
component? Documentation of Qt5.3 does not provide any way to do this. Also, it says that Keys
is only exists in Item
-objects . When I try to handle key press event it says "Could not attach Keys property to: ApplicationWindow_QMLTYPE_16(0x31ab890) is not an Item":
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.1
ApplicationWindow {
id: mainWindow
visible: true
width: 720
height: 405
flags: Qt.FramelessWindowHint
title: qsTr("test")
x: (Screen.width - width) / 2
y: (Screen.height - height) / 2
TextField {
id: textField
x: 0
y: 0
width: 277
height: 27
placeholderText: qsTr("test...")
Keys.onEscapePressed: {
event.accepted = true;
Maybe this will help some. Using a
doesn't requirefocus
to be set.