Purpose of maximal vs non-maximal implicit argumen

2019-06-20 17:25发布

I have just discovered the existence of maximal and non-maximal arguments (see https://coq.inria.fr/refman/Reference-Manual004.html#sec109).

But is there some motivation to use one over the other? Is one more recent than the other? Maximal implicit arguments simply need {} to be created, whereas one has to use Arguments or Implicit Arguments to specify non-maximal ones. Does it mean that maximal implicit arguments should be preferred?

标签: coq
2楼-- · 2019-06-20 17:53

... is there some motivation to use one over the other ?

Yes there is, but (as usual) "it depends". Let's first discuss a little bit the difference between them.

Maximally-inserted implicit (MII) arguments add the next level of "implicitness" to the language. Ordinary (non-MII) arguments get inserted only when a function is applied to at least one argument. Furthermore, Coq inserts those arguments only before some provided explicit argument.

MII arguments are more "eager": Coq considers them inserted after some supplied explicit argument. A corner case: if a function's signature starts with an MII argument, it suffices to mention the function name (even without application) for Coq to turn it into a partially applied function (it doesn't happen with non-MII arguments). Sometimes this eager behavior helps to write succinct code and sometimes its a bit of a nuisance, because it forces us to insert otherwise redundant @ symbols to suppress insertion of implicit arguments.

Let me show some simple examples, drawn mostly from the reference manual or the standard library.


Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import ListNotations.

Section Length.
  Variable A:Type.

The length function has non-MII first argument:

  Print Implicit length.
  length : forall A : Type, list A -> nat
  Argument A is implicit

That's why the following simple code fails (it fails because length is not partially applied, so A is not inserted):

  Fail Check (fun l:list (list A) => map length l).

One have to write something like this to make it work:

  Check (fun l:list (list A) => map (@length _) l).
  (* or *)
  Check (fun l:list (list A) => map (length (A := _)) l).
  (* or *)
  Check (fun l:list (list A) => map (fun xs => length xs) l).

Another way would be to use MII arguments. Intuitively, in this case Coq replaces length with (@length _):

  Arguments length {A} _.
  Check (fun l:list (list A) => map length l).
End Length.

But sometimes maximally inserted arguments are getting into the way, when one wants to use some function or a constructor in its most general form (not partially applied). A working example with non-MII arguments from the Coq.Lists.List module:

Set Implicit Arguments.  (* non-MII arguments is the default behavior *)
Inductive Forall2 A B (R:A->B->Prop) : list A -> list B -> Prop :=
 | Forall2_nil : Forall2 R [] []
 | Forall2_cons : forall x y l l',
    R x y -> Forall2 R l l' -> Forall2 R (x::l) (y::l').

Theorem Forall2_refl : forall A B (R:A->B->Prop), Forall2 R [] [].
Proof. exact Forall2_nil. Qed.

But exact Forall2_nil won't work in the case of MII arguments. The constructor will help us, though:

Arguments Forall2_nil {A B} _.
Theorem Forall2_refl' : forall A B (R:A->B->Prop), Forall2 R [] [].
Proof. Fail (exact Forall2_nil). constructor. Qed.

One more instance of premature implicit argument insertion (from Coq.Init.Logic). This works with non-MII arguments:

Declare Left Step eq_stepl.

But, here we have to add '@':

Arguments eq_stepl {A} _ _ _ _ _.
Fail Declare Left Step eq_stepl.
Declare Left Step @eq_stepl.

Sometimes tactics of the form <tactic-name> ... with (_ := _). will fail in the presence of MII arguments. Here is another (working) example from Coq.Init.Logic:

Definition eq_ind_r :
  forall (A:Type) (x:A) (P:A -> Prop), P x -> forall y:A, y = x -> P y.
  intros A x P H y H0; elim eq_sym with (1 := H0); assumption.

But MII arguments impede our progress:

Arguments eq_sym {A x y} _.
Definition eq_ind_r' :
  forall (A:Type) (x:A) (P:A -> Prop), P x -> forall y:A, y = x -> P y.
  intros A x P H y H0.
  Fail elim eq_sym with (1 := H0); assumption.
  (* this works *)
  elim @eq_sym with (1 := H0); assumption.
  (* or this: *)
  elim (eq_sym H0); assumption.

Is one more recent than the other ?

I don't know I hope someone could shed some light on it.

Maximal implicit arguments simply need {} to be created, whereas one has to use Arguments or Implicit Arguments to specify non-maximal ones. Does it mean that maximal implicit arguments should be preferred ?

By default, the directive Set Implicit Arguments. declares non-maximally inserted implicit arguments. So Coq is conservative (but not too much) about the level of implicitness. I'd stick to non-MII arguments by default, inserting {} where appropriate.

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