I am currently calling the following line of code:
java.net.URL connection_url = new java.net.URL("http://<ip address>:<port>/path");
and I get the exception above when it executes. Any ideas as to why this is happening?
I am currently calling the following line of code:
java.net.URL connection_url = new java.net.URL("http://<ip address>:<port>/path");
and I get the exception above when it executes. Any ideas as to why this is happening?
That url string looks like it's invalid. Sure it's not supposed to be 'http://path'? Or are the server & port blank?
I had the same error and it got resolved by the below :
The jar files (JFree) which I added few days back got corrupted automatically and was causing this error. I downloaded the same files again from net and it worked fine for me.
As a side note, you should be using URI because Java URL class is screwed up. (The equals method I believe)
I have also had the same exception, but in my case the URL which I was trying to execute had a space appended. After removing the space it worked fine for me. Check that the URL does not have any trailing spaces in your case.
Your code works perfectly fine for me:
Sure you have the right line of code?