Even now in version 7.2 of Angular Material, I can't seem to find examples on how to use rowspan on mat-table and keep the component functionality.
This is how far (short?) I've got:
The example in the Stackblitz above is "almost" what I am looking for, but I am not being able to see how to finish it.
|| || || || row1 ||
|| 1 || Hydrogen || 1.0079 ||========||
|| || || || row2 ||
|| || || || row1 ||
|| || || ||========||
|| 2 || Helium || 4.0026 || row2 ||
|| || || ||========||
|| || || || row3 ||
|| || || || row1 ||
|| 3 || Lithium || 6.941 ||========||
|| || || || row2 ||
An example using other metadata format can be found in:
Following my Stackblitz (the first link), my questions are:
Am I too far of achieving this rowspan shim/hack?
How do I loop the rows based on the lenght of the row['descriptions'] size?
What If I had another array property inside the object? Could I iterate and generate the columns/rows/rowspan with its size, so it would become more generic?
I'm trying to find a generic solution for the community.
As I was not happy with the answers presented (especially with the
implementation).I came up with something more convenient IMHO, that goes something like:
Working example may be found here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-lnahlh-hw2d3b
We must say how many rows there, but some rows has same
and we will sort and merge td if them used same id. But for your data, it is say some rows there, and descriptions is array and split able. For this way JS can't know how many<tr>
should be there.2 ways for you: 1- Format your data, keep one description each row, same as the example data in second href,
[{id, name, weight, countdescriptions, description},...]
, and use[attr.rowspan]='data.countdescriptions'
. 2- Update content format, like<ul><li *ngFor...
in the description<td>
, and remove the[attr.rowspan]
attribute.Well, it seems that material table has no api documentation for it, I could not find any trick to do this too, But we can twick the our data to support this, as per your second example we can reform the data to new json and we can get our expected result.
Step 1 :
Step 2
this will be as it is as your second stackblitz link.
Step 3
as it is as per your second link
Step 4
Using index to pass down to rowspan and hiding the rows where it doesn't needed
Here is the demo