I am looking for an advice regarding Google Firestore REST API
I am trying to update the document but keep the data that are not updated (https://cloud.google.com/firestore/docs/reference/rest/v1beta1/projects.databases.documents/patch)
I have a document in "message" collection, the document contains following fields: "timestamp", "message" and "user".
If I do the PATCH request to update the "message" field, then the "timestamp" and "user" fields are removed.
There is "Query Parameter" "updateMask" to preven this. The parameter is type of object (DocumentMask). The DocumentMask object looks like this in documentation:
"fieldPaths": [
There is no example how such a HTTP request should look like.
If I build to request to look like this
PATCH https://firestore.googleapis.com/v1beta1/projects/{projectId}/databases/{databaseId}/documents/messages/someid?updateMask={"fieldPaths":["message"]}
The request body contains desired Document
This request will fail on 400, that the parameter with name "updateMask" is unabled to bind...
How can I create such a request with PHP (Guzzle HTTP client)?
Each patched field needs to be included as an individual parameter in the query string:
Fields omitted from the field mask are unchanged, regardless if they are included in the request body Document.
Each patched field needs to be included as an individual parameter in the query string.
You can use this format for your url :
Fields omitted from the field mask are unchanged, regardless if they are included in the request body Document.
You can use the Google REST API explorer to generate pre-defined URL with Query Parameters and Body from us user friendly interface: