I'm using Dojo 1.5 to create a dijit.form.Select with some data from a datastore. The issue I'm finding is that I want the select to show the elements ordered by the identifier, but the select is ginving them ordered by the label. How can I avoid this behaviour?. Another issue I'm finding is that when I set the store, I initialized the store to select one of the elements, but it is selecting the first one. The code is a follows:
var boxContent = {"identifier":"idBox","items":[{"accessLevel":"FULL_ACCESS",
"boxName":"My Documents","boxType":"PERSONAL","idBox":1512,"numberFiles":9,
"userDisplayName":"Jose Luis Martinez Avial","userName":"MIAMARA"},
"idBox":17100,"numberFiles":0,"userDisplayName":"Jose Luis MartinezAvial",
var myStore = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({data: boxContent });
var boxCombo= new dijit.form.Select({
name: 'select2' }).placeAt(dojo.body());
It is available in http://jsfiddle.net/m9ucX/1/
Thanks for your help.
Just in case anyone comes looking, this question was also asked (and has been answered) on the dojo-interest mailing list: