I am using a bépo keymap (http://bepo.fr) and seeking the perfect vim mapping.
So far I used a long list of noremap, but for many binding (for exemple, the motion aw
or Ctrl+r), the first keystroke is well remaped but not the others, I reckon it's the expected behaviour, but then this is not what I need.
Ideally I would have my keyboard totally remaped in a higher level (before the map
commands) except when typing text (in insertion mode and when typing a substitution for exemple). What I'm looking for seems to be langmap
, but I have problems using it.
I added this langmap to my .vimrc, It seems perfect but it broke some of my plugins. SuperTab now insert <Plug>SuperTabForward
when pressing Tab in insertion mode, I have t<SNR>24_SelectCompletion(1)
when pressing enter.
Does someone know how to fix this langmap issue or a better way to remap my keyboard?
This is a known bug, that has been discussed before. I have made a patch (see the thread starting here) and hopefully Bram will include this change soon.
Update 11/05/2014
This has been fixed by patch 7.4.502. Use the
option to fix this.