I'm trying to override save()
in R so that it creates any missing directories before saving an object. I'm having trouble passing an object through one function to another using the ellipsis method.
My example:
save <- function(...,file){ #Overridden save()
target.dir <- dirname(file) #Extract the target directory
if(!file.exists(target.dir)) {
#Create the target directory if it doesn't exist.
fun1 <- function(obj) {
obj1 <- obj + 1
fun1(obj = 1)
The code above results in this error:
Error in base::save(..., file = file.path(target.dir, basename(file))) : object ‘obj1’ not found
I realize that the problem is that the object 'obj1' doesn't exist inside my custom save() function, but I haven't yet figured out how to pass it from fun1 to base::save.
I have tried:
with no success.
Any suggestions?
You need to specify the parent's environment to 'base::save' :
Note the parameter added to the base::save call.
In addition, use '=' to specify parameter names: