I have an SVG file, which looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<symbol viewBox="0 0 13 13" id="icon-arrow-down">
<path d="M12.9 4.5l-6.1 6.1c-.2.2-.6.2-.8 0L.1 4.5c-.1-.1-.1-.2 0-.3l1.8-1.8c.1-.1.2-.1.3 0l4.4 4.4L11 2.4c.1-.1.2-.1.3 0l1.8 1.8c-.1.1-.1.2-.2.3z"/>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 13 13" id="icon-arrow-down-double">
<path d="M12 7.7l-5.1 5.1c-.2.2-.5.2-.7 0L1 7.7v-.2L2.6 6c.1-.1.2-.1.2 0l3.7 3.7L10.2 6c.1-.1.2-.1.2 0L12 7.5v.2z"/>
<path d="M12 1.8L6.8 6.9c-.2.2-.5.2-.7 0L1 1.8v-.2L2.6 0h.2l3.7 3.7L10.2 0h.2L12 1.6v.2z"/>
There are hundreds of symbols in this file.
Is there an easy way to see all symbols in the SVG file at once?
Right now I'm using HTML to see a single symbol, like this:
<svg><use xlink:href="icons.svg#icon-nextstep-compare"></use></svg>
But this is way too tedious.
You can open file in Inkscape and choose menu Object -> Symbols (or press Ctrl+Shift+Y) an choose "Current document" in drop-down menu.
One file per svg file? Tedious is right!
Only slightly less tedious (but perhaps you could use a script to generate this, though):
You could even generate the above with the magic of an xslt stylesheet. :-)