I'm trying to build a hello-world program here to check my android kit installation. But the problem is that our good old auto importing functionality of eclipse using ctrl+space just isn't working. I believe there's been some goof up in installation from my end. Any insights on this will be highly appreciated.
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Probably, in your computer, the ctrl + space has been occupied by the lanaguage switch option. I am in this case. After I changed the ctrl+ space for changing language to shift+space.
I have the loving auto-completing back in ADT under ubuntu, hope it helps you~
I had this same problem. Here is how I solved it.
In Eclipse go to
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced
And check the boxes labeled "Java Proposals" and hit Apply.
This solved my problem. Hope it helps.
This is not exactly what you are looking for, but anyways. This will auto complete your imports:
This link helped me. Specifically I had to do:
Go Preferences>Java>Editor>Content Assist>Advanced Make sure “Other Java Proposals” is ticked (and all other Java stuff)