Is there a good practice to insert unicode characters in a ggplot title and also save it as pdf?
I am struggling with expression, paste and sprintf to get a nice title...
So, what works is
ggtitle(expression(paste('5', mu, 'g')))
This will print an ugly greek mu. By ugly I mean a different font, but overall, it will be printed as pdf without problems. But the problems start, if you want to have new lines in the title. Or maybe I didn't found a solution for this.
My preferred solution would be to use sprintf with the unicode number, so for example
It shows a nice result on the screen but it is not possible to save as pdf with ggsave. PNG works fine, but I would like to use the pdf save option.
Is there a possibility to plot the unicode characters with ggsave? I read about the cairo_pdf device, but this messes up the fonts and I can not save the plot properly.
Thanks in advance for any help.
EDIT: Example PDF
I just uploaded an example PDF... So maybe my problem is somewhere else...