This is my code
from nltk.tag import StanfordNERTagger
st = StanfordNERTagger('english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz')
And i get
NLTK was unable to find stanford-ner.jar! Set the CLASSPATH
environment variable.
This is what my .bashrc
looks like in ubuntu
export CLASSPATH=/home/wolfgang/Downloads/stanford-ner-2015-04-20/stanford-ner-3.5.2.jar
export STANFORD_MODELS=/home/wolfgang/Downloads/stanford-ner-2015-04-20/classifiers
Also, i tried printing the environmental variable in python this way
import os
And i recieve
Therefore the variables are being SET!
What is wrong then?
Why doe'snt nltk recognize my environmental variables?
change the .jar file and the environmental variable from
apparently NLTK has a
which only accepts the CLASSPATH if it matches a regex of the valuestanford-ner.jar
This is the correct way to set PATH:
Give the correct path to locate both file. If there is still a Java Environment variable error, then it means your Java Environment is not configured. To set this, go to 'My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced Setting'. There are videos showing what these settings do. Once you've done this, if the environment is properly set then when you run the python file a black command window will splash for around ten seconds while it processes your file. This should return your result without error.
Here is my Code:
OUTPUT: '/home/user/Downloads/stanford-ner.jar'
Download stanford-ner.jar from here
Set Classpath
export CLASSPATH=/home/admin-pc/Downloads/
Worked For Me :p