I have point A (35.163 , 128.001)
and point B (36.573 , 128.707)
I need to calculate the points lies within point A and point B
using the standard distance formula between 2 points, I found D = 266.3
each of the points lies within the line AB (the black point p1, p2, ... p8) are separated with equal distance of d = D / 8 = 33.3
How could I calculate the X and Y for p1 , p2, ... p8?
example of Java or C# language are welcomed
or just point me a formula or method will do.
Thank you.
**The above calculation is actually used to calculate the dummy point for shaded level in my map and working for shaded area interpolation purpose*
At first find the slope of AB line. Get help and formula from here: http://www.purplemath.com/modules/slope.htm
Then consider a triangle of Ap1E(think there is a point E which is right to A and below to p1).
Now find AE and Ep1.
Xp1=Xa+AE and Yp1=Ya+Ep1
This will not be very difficult in C# or java. Once you understand the logic, you will find pleasure implementing on your own way.
that's easy but you need some math knowledge.
Subtract A from B, component-wise, to get the vector from A to B. Multiply that vector by the desired step value and add it to A. (Note that with eight intermediate steps as you've illustrated, the step distance is 1.0 / 9.0.) Something like this, assuming you really want seven points:
(Sorry, don't know any Java or C#.)
Straitforward trigonometric solution could be something like that:
Outcome (points):
let A be point (xa, ya), and B be point (xb, yb)
alpha = tan-1((yb - ya)/(xb - xa))
p1 = (xa + d * cos(alpha), ya + d * sin(alpha))
pk = (xa + kd * cos(alpha), ya + kd * sin(alpha)), k = 1 to 7
(An equivalent way would be to use vector arithmetic)