Lots of people are talking about keeping an CABasicAnimation object around after it has been used.
So by setting
removedOnCompletion = NO
the animation object keeps attached to the layer when the animation is complete. How would I re-launch this animation again without creating a new CABasicAnimation?
What's the point of keeping this object around? The only benefit I know is that we can set removedOnCompletion = NO and set kCAFillModeForwards so that Core Animation does not revert the visual representation back to the model values in the CALayer.
But how to re-use the animation, like everyone is talking about?
This worked for me but I am sure someone will tell me the value is already stored in a key..
When I created a layer and assigned an animation to it I set the animation to a keyed value associated with the layer.
in this example layersCurrentAnimation is the CABasicAnimation and myAnimatedLayer is a CALayer.
then if the animation was to stop I would get the animation value out from the layer and re-run it
Try this:
Add the animation with a key using
[layer addAnimation:myAnimation forKey:@"myKey"]
To get a reference to it later, call
[layer animationForKey:@"myKey"]
Read this note from Apple which explains how to pause and resume (restart) animations.