I have added proxy configuration in settigns.xml file, but it is not used by Maven, i confirmed this by making the settings.xml file invalid. I ran the maven install command to update settings and global-settings to point to the correct file, still no luck. I am using maven3.0.4.
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Please make sure you are using the settings.xml which you modified. for example: your using IDE's embedded maven which using different settings.xml in you operation system.
I have also been facing the same issue. I removed the file and folder, but still maven was still picking the settings.
For me, restarting the system solved the issue.
Since there is no accepted answer, and I encountered that problem today and other answers proved unhlepful as the file path was correct:
The solution is to restart your computer. No, seriously. After restart maven is guaranteed to read settings.xml file again and use whatever changes you made.
have you tried with these options: from the command line to specify the settings file?
Some options that might not be necessary
You can set the path of settings file in Eclipse* as :
In the menubar goto Window -> Preferences
In Preferences Dialog, Goto Maven Section(On the left) and Expand it.
Click on UserSettings.
Add the path of settings file using Browse. The default for most users will be (C:\Users\.m2\settings.xml). It will be shown in grey but you need to actually enter the location.
Click on Update Settings !
You can also enable debug logs and stack traces for debugging by clicking on the Maven Section in the Preferences dialog and Checking the box against the label "Debug Output".
Had this issue today. I was editing the settings.xml in my USER/.m2 directory. After I changed the settings.xml in M2_HOME/conf, it worked =)