In the environment I'm using (Tomcat 6), percent sequences in path segments apparently are decoded using ISO-8859-1 when being mapped to a @PathVariable.
I'd like that to be UTF-8.
I already configured Tomcat to use UTF-8 (using the URIEncoding attribute in server.xml).
Is Spring/Rest doing the decoding on its own? If yes, where can I override the default encoding?
Additional information; here's my test code:
@RequestMapping( value = "/enc/{foo}", method = RequestMethod.GET )
public HttpEntity<String> enc( @PathVariable( "foo" ) String foo, HttpServletRequest req )
String resp;
resp = " path variable foo: " + foo + "\n" +
" req.getPathInfo(): " + req.getPathInfo() + "\n" +
"req.getPathTranslated(): " + req.getPathTranslated() + "\n" +
" req.getRequestURI(): " + req.getRequestURI() + "\n" +
" req.getContextPath(): " + req.getContextPath() + "\n";
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.setContentType( new MediaType( "text", "plain", Charset.forName( "UTF-8" ) ) );
return new HttpEntity<String>( resp, headers );
If I do an HTTP GET request with the following URI path:
which is the UTF-8 encoded then percent-encoded form of
/TEST/enc/£ and € rates
the output that I get is:
path variable foo: £ and ⬠rates
req.getPathInfo(): /enc/£ and € rates
req.getPathTranslated(): C:\Users\jre\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\TEST\enc\£ and € rates
req.getRequestURI(): /TEST/enc/%C2%A3%20and%20%E2%82%AC%20rates
req.getContextPath(): /TEST
which to me shows that Tomcat (after setting the URIEncoding attribute) does the right thing (see getPathInfo()), but the path variable is decoded still in ISO-8859-1.
And the answer is:
Spring/Rest apparently uses the request encoding, which is a very strange thing to do, as this is about the body, not the URI. Sigh.
Adding this:
fixed the problem. It really should be simpler.
And actually, it's worse:
If the method indeed has a request body, and that one isn't encoded in UTF-8, the additional forceEncoding parameter is needed. This seems to work, but I'm concerned it will cause more problems later on.
Another approach
In the meantime, I found out that it's possible to disable the decoding, my specifying
<property name="urlDecode" value="false"/> which case the recipient can to the right thing; but of course this will make lots of other things harder.
I thing that you need add filter to web.xml
The path variable is still decoded in ISO-8859-1 for me, even with the Character Encoding Filter. Here is what I had to do to get around this. Please let me know if you have any other ideas!
To see the actual UTF-8 decoded characters on the server, you can just do this and take a look at the value (you need to add "HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest" to your controller parameters):
I can then do whatever I want (like get the parameter manually from the decoded URI), now that I have the right decoded data on the server.
Try to configure connector on Tomcat in server.xml. Add
to your Connector tag. For example:But doesn't it suck that you have to mess with the Tomcat configuration (URIEncoding) at all to make this work? If the servlet API provided a way to obtain the path and request parameters in their undecoded representation, the application (or Spring) could deal with the decoding entirely on its own. And apparently,
would even provide this, but for the latter this would mean that Spring would have to parse and decode the query string itself and not rely onHttpServletRequest#getParameter
and friends. Apparently they don't do this, which means you can't have@RequestParam
capture anything other than us-ascii strings safely without relying on the servlet container's configuration.