I am trying to install activator in my linux system.
so first I install java
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
downloaded succefully
then I downloaded activator
sudo wget downloads.typesafe.com/typesafe-activator/1.3.4/ypesafe-activator-1.3.4.zip
then added path
export PATH=$PATH:/home/govind/activator-1.3.4/
then reloaded bash by
source ~/.bashrc
then I try to start activator
govind@LINUXSERVER:~$ sudo activator
sudo: activator: command not found
I tried to print path
-bash: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/govind/activator-1.3.4/: No such file or directory
govind@LINUXSERVER:~$ ls /home/govind/activator-1.3.4/
activator activator-launch-1.3.4.jar README.html templates
activator.bat LICENSE.html repository
but not successfull!! what am I missing??
Try this:
add activator bin path to your .bashrc
you can find the path by
Now if you changed to the home directory where it should usually be, edit this file.
add this line: export PATH="$HOME/Dev/activator-1.3.XX-minimal/bin:$PATH" replace X by the correct version number and save this file
If opened a terminal window, close it and restart again.
Superuser may not have
set in$PATH
. If sudo is indeed required, tryor sudo copy
to for instance/usr/bin
. Else the procedure depicted proves valid.this is the correct download link:
the above link had a typo.
Try this
Create a symbolic link to activator:
You do not need to edit bashrc profile.
I think the documentation should be fixed.The path still works in earlier versions of activator, but the recent versions don't have executable activator in the mentioned directory. Instead, you can find this inside bin folder.
So for earlier versions of activator
should do, and for recent versions,
/bin is not mentioned in the play documentation