I have IWindsorContaner which exists for the whole application lifetime. For Unittests it is possible to register mocks/stubs, etc. under their Type. When the test is finished and the fixture is disposed the registered components in forthe test are remove with a self created method called "Unregister".
Now, I want to update to the latest Castle version which is 3.0. According to the 3.0 release notes something like
public void Unregister(string contextName, string registrationName)
IWindsorContainer context = GetOrCreateContext(contextName);
is not possible anymore, because the IKernel.RemoveComponent method has been removed. The description to fix this is not really sufficient ("Try utilizing IHandlerSelectors.").
A simplified version of the fixture I use for unittests:
public sealed class DependencyInjectionFixture : IDisposable
private Stack<Type> registeredTypes = new Stack<Type>();
// Registering of mocks/stubs, etc
public void RegisterSingleton<T>(T singleton, string objectName)
IWindsorContainer context = GetOrCreateContext(contextName);
// Called when tests ends
public void Dispose()
IWindsorContainer context = GetOrCreateContext(contextName);
while (registeredTypes.Count > 0)
How can I remove components with Castle 3.0?
Instead of trying to remove all components, just create a new
and bind that to whateverGetOrCreateContext
is checking against. Then you'll have a fresh new container that has nothing bound to it.I know Im late to the game but I came up against this same issue. My problem was that due to the size of the application, first run of Castle Windsor was very slow (1s+) and to create a new context for each and every test was becoming onerous (600 tests, 5min wait time on Castle Windsor only)
I based my solution on How to remove component in Castle Windsor 3.0?
Then wherever you set up windsor
And when you want to override castle windsor default behaviour in test
And on test tear down call