ASP.NET Web Application Message Box

2019-01-08 21:50发布

In an windows forms application, in the C# code behind you can use:

MessageBox.Show("Here is my message");

Is there any equivalent in a web application? Can I call something from the C# code behind that will display a message box to the user?

Example usage of this: I have a button that loads a file in the code behind. When the file is loaded or if there is an error I would like to popup a message to the user stating the result.

Any ideas on this?

2楼-- · 2019-01-08 22:15

if you will include


as namespace then it will conflict . Use



3楼-- · 2019-01-08 22:18

You want to use an Alert. Unfortunately it's not as nice as with windows forms.

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert", "alert('" + myStringVariable + "');", true);

Similar to this question here:

Emotional °昔
4楼-- · 2019-01-08 22:18

There are a few solutions; if you are comfortable with CSS, here's a very flexible solution:

Create an appropriately styled Panel that resembles a "Message Box", put a Label in it and set its Visible property to false. Then whenever the user needs to see a message after a postback (e.g. pushing a button), from codebehind set the Labels Text property to the desired error message and set the Panel's Visible property to true.

5楼-- · 2019-01-08 22:22

Why should not use jquery popup for this purpose.I use bpopup for this purpose.See more about this.

6楼-- · 2019-01-08 22:22

You need to reference the namespace

using System.Windows.Form;

and then add in the code

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MessageBox.Show(" Hi....");

7楼-- · 2019-01-08 22:23

Just for the records.

Here is a link from Microsoft that I think is the best way to present a MessageBox in ASP.Net

Also it presents choices like Yes and NO.

Instructions on how to get the class from the link working on your project:

  1. If you don't have an App_Code folder on your Project, create it.
  2. Right click the App_Code folder and create a Class. Name it MessageBox.cs
  3. Copy the text from the MessageBox.cs file (from the attached code) and paste it on your MessageBox.cs file.
  4. Do the same as steps 2 & 3 for the MessageBoxCore.cs file.
  5. Important: Right click each file MessageBox.cs and MessageBoxCore.cs and make sure the 'Build Action' is set to Compile
  6. Add this code to your aspx page where you want to display the message box:

    <asp:Literal ID="PopupBox" runat="server"></asp:Literal>
  7. Add this code on you cs page where you want to decision to be made:

    string title = "My box title goes here";
    string text = "Do you want to Update this record?";
    MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(text, title, MessageBox.MessageBoxIcons.Question, MessageBox.MessageBoxButtons.YesOrNo, MessageBox.MessageBoxStyle.StyleA);
    PopupBox.Text = messageBox.Show(this);
  8. Add this method to your cs page. This is what will be executed when the user clicks Yes. You don't need to make another one for the NoClick method.

    public static string YesModClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string strToRtn = "";
        // The code that you want to execute when the user clicked yes goes here
        return strToRtn;
  9. Add a WebUserControl1.ascx file to your root path and add this code to the file:

    <link href="~/Styles/MessageBox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <div id="result"></div>
    <asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="scriptManager" EnablePageMethods="True">
    </asp:ScriptManager>  //<-- Make sure you only have one ScriptManager on your aspx page.  Remove the one on your aspx page if you already have one.
  10. Add this line on top of your aspx page:

    <%@ Register src="~/MessageBoxUserControl.ascx" tagname="MessageBoxUserControl" tagprefix="uc1" %>
  11. Add this line inside your aspx page (Inside your asp:Content tag if you have one)

    <uc1:MessageBoxUserControl ID="MessageBoxUserControl1" runat="server" />
  12. Save the image files 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, 4.jpg from the Microsoft project above into your ~/Images/ path.

  13. Done

Hope it helps.


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