I'm using version 0.7.1 of angular material. I'm using the autocomplete as described here: Autocomplete demo
However, it doesn't seem to support validation logic, even though it generates a textarea: Autocomplete directive documentation
I imagine that I can add logic in the querySearch function to switch ng-valid to ng-invalid. Is this correct? If this is the case, then I need a handle on the md-autocomplete, but this is difficult, because the name attribute gets removed.
It seems that I am not the only one to find this tricky. There will be a solution to this soon: Autocomplete validation improvements in progress
Quick update, got the solution on Angular Material site (Latest release 1.0.0-), https://material.angularjs.org/latest/demo/autocomplete.
You will find that 'required' and 'ng-messages' are supported now.
I was working with same approach with the form validation using auto-complete in angular materials.But unfortunately, validation on this directive is not so smooth as input components. So I made up my mind to overcome this issue and did some R&D for this component. Please find below code snippets and they will help you out on this.
See the full example of codepen here
Read documentation
you need these options
You can use above as below to run yr custom validation :
Update yr template as below
and add following yr md-auto-complate controller