We have a query:
List<Book> books = session.createQuery(
"from Book b where :x member of b.bookCategories")
.setParameter("x", crimeStory)
But when executing this query, we got a warning message:
WARN 10:19:41 deprecation: HHH90000016: Found use of deprecated 'collection property' syntax in HQL/JPQL query [null.elements]; use collection function syntax instead [elements(null)].
I tried to change the query to:
List<Book> books = session.createQuery(
"from Book b where ? in elements(b.bookCategories)")
.setParameter(0, crimeStory).list();
but the warning message was still there.
Please help me to fix this warning.
P/s: We are currently using Hibernate 5.0.2
Instead of using
, rather use anINNER JOIN
. The JSQL should then befrom Book b inner join b.bookCategories bc where bc.id = :categoryId
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8340001/67796
It is legal JPA and so should not be deprecated. See also http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/persistence-2.0-fr-oth-JSpec/.
See https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-10621 for the JIRA about this bug.
You could just hide the message by adding
to yourlog4j.properties
.(I know this was an old question but it is used in the JIRA call)
As a side note, to simply hide (not fix) messages like this, as of 2017 and Log4j2, use
, for example:Be sure to use the specific code for your particular deprecation message, in this particular case it was
, but for Criteria-API deprecation warnings it would beHHH90000022
, and so on.Or to disable all Hibernate deprecation messages (not recommended):