How can you convert a Wav file into a PNG waveform image file using Java?
java MyProgram.class [path to wav file] [path where to write png file]
Expected results:
Png saved in path specified is a waveform of the wav file passed in.
How can you convert a Wav file into a PNG waveform image file using Java?
java MyProgram.class [path to wav file] [path where to write png file]
Expected results:
Png saved in path specified is a waveform of the wav file passed in.
The white BG of SO obscures it, but the image has a 'white band' across the bottom that the blue trace drops into. The sample used for the trace is which is hot-linked from the SSCCE below.
Code variant
Below is a java class that will do this very thing. There are certain parameters that I'm hard coding here like width of image, height of image, background color of image, and some more stuff. If you want to pull those out, you could.