I am using TYPO3 7.6.11 and indexed_search 7.6.0.
I use the extbase plugin for indexed_search and in the output it escapes the HTML-Tags to mark the searchword. For example, when I search for "search" I get this output:
Test text with<strong class="tx-indexedsearch-redMarkup">search</strong> pattern.
I found this bugfix to this problem: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/77901
But the file PageBrowsingResultsViewHelper.php
doesn't look exactly the same, and even when I add the variable protected $escapeOutput = false;
it doesn't change anything.
Any idea where this is come from and where I can disable the escaping?
It was another extension who overwrote a Partial of tx_indexedsearch that caused the problem.. -> Always check if the template you are working on is the one that gets outputted ;)
This happen because of format object rendering.your result will render in {row.description} object and initially there is no format set. you have to format your result({row.description}) to the HTML. For that:
Here is the complete file: