I have a gif image in my photo album. When I use the UIImagePickerController
to select that image, I need to convert the image to NSData
for storing.
Earlier, I used
NSData *thumbData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(thumbnail, 0.5);
but it will not work with gif images. thumbData
will be nil.
How can I get
from the gif image?How can I know that it is a gif image that needs special handing?
The key here is to save the GIF file or URL download directly into a NSData instead of making it a UIImage. Bypassing UIImage will let the GIF file keep the animation.
Here is some code to convert a GIF file into NSData:
But in all honesty, you should really consider not using GIF at all.
Code to coverting .GIF file can converted in NSdata -
Gif must not be in assets.