In short, I need to be able to traverse Z3_ast tree and access the data associated with its nodes. Cannot seem to find any documentation/examples on how to do that. Any pointers would be helpful.
At length, I need to parse smt2lib type formulae into Z3, make some variable to constant substitutions and then reproduce the formula in a data structure which is compatible with another unrelated SMT sovler (mistral to be specific, I don't think details about mistral are important to this question but funnily enough it does not have a command line interface where I can feed it text formulae. It just has a C API). I have figured that to generate the formula in mistral's format, I would need to traverse the Z3_ast tree and reconstruct the formula in the desired format. I cannot seem to find any documentation/examples that demonstrate how to do this. Any pointers would be helpful.
Consider using the C++ auxiliary classes defined at
. The Z3 distribution also includes an example using these classes. Here is a small code fragment that traverses a Z3 expression. If your formulas do not contain quantifiers, then you don't even need to handle theis_quantifier()