I have the account name and account key of a storage account in Azure. I need to get a list of all the blobs in a container in that account. (The "$logs" container).
I am able to get the information of a specific blob using the CloudBlobClient class but can't figure out how to get a list of all the blobs within the $logs container.
Here's the updated API call for WindowsAzure.Storage v9.0:
There is a sample of how to list all of the blobs in a container at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-dotnet-how-to-use-blobs/#list-the-blobs-in-a-container:
Use ListBlobsSegmentedAsync which returns a segment of the total result set and a continuation token.
Since you container name is $logs, so i think your blob type is append blob. Here's a method to get all blobs and return IEnumerable:
The method can be asynchronous, just use ListBlobsSegmentedAsync. One thing you need to note is the argument useFlatBlobListing need to be true which means that ListBlobs will return a flat list of files as opposed to a hierarchical list.