I'm defining a style XML for my android app. I have some TTF files I want to use, how can I set the typeface to use those files as the font as opposed to the generic "sans", "serif" & "monospace". Thanks
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see the APIDemos Example in the Documentation.
You can only use custom fonts via Java code, not through layout XML or styles/themes -- sorry!
Yes, you can :)
step 1: Create a folder and name it 'font' and your .ttf inside it.
step 2: Go to style.xml and do the following : -
step 3: Use the style tag in the any UI object:-
I created a little tutorial about this... I hope it can be useful http://spinettaro.blogspot.it/2013/01/custom-font-for-view.html
attrs.xml: (in res/values)
You would put "saxmono.ttf" in the assets folder.