I was playing around with shell
and how it acts when I change the standard filehandles in the calling program. Proc says:
$in, $out and $err are the three standard streams of the to-be-launched program, and default to "-", which means they inherit the stream from the parent process.
As far as I can tell, the external program doesn't use the same file handles:
make an external Perl 6 program the outputs to standard handles
my $p6-name = 'in-out.p6'.IO;
#END try $p6-name.unlink; # why does this cause it to fail?
my $p6-fh = open $p6-name, :w;
die "Could not open $p6-name" unless ?$p6-fh;
$p6-fh.put: Q:to/END/;
$*ERR.say( qq/\t$*PROGRAM: This goes to standard error/ );
$*OUT.say( qq/\t$*PROGRAM: This goes to standard output/ );
say $p6-name.e ?? 'File is there' !! 'File is not there';
die "$p6-name does not exist" unless $p6-name.e;
Start with some messages to show that we can output to
the standard filehandles.
$*OUT.put: "1. standard output before doing anything weird";
$*ERR.put: "2. standard error before doing anything weird";
shell( "perl6 $p6-name" ).so;
This block assigns a new filehandle to $*OUT and prints a
message to it. I expect that message to not show up in the
It then calls run-them to fire off the external process. It
should inherit the same standard out and its standard out
messages should not show up. But, they do.
temp $*OUT = open '/dev/null', :w;
$*OUT.put: "3. temp redefine standard output before this message";
shell( "perl6 $p6-name" ).so;
$*OUT.put: "4. everything should be back to normal";
The output shows that when I open /dev/null and assign its filehandle to $*OUT
, the output from the current program don't show up in terminal (there's no output starting with 3.
). However, when I call shell
, its standard output goes to the original standard output:
File is there
1. standard output before doing anything weird
2. standard error before doing anything weird
in-out.p6: This goes to standard error
in-out.p6: This goes to standard output
in-out.p6: This goes to standard error
in-out.p6: This goes to standard output
4. everything should be back to normal
I'm not worried about how to make this happen. I can create a Proc
object and pass filehandles to it.
Is there something else going on?
By default the IO::Handle that is in
is bound to the low-level STDOUT filehandle given by the operating system.shell
just let the spawned process use the low-level STDOUT file that was given to Perl 6, unless you specify otherwise.Perl 6 doesn't change anything about the outside environment until the moment before it spawns a new process.
The simplest thing to do is to give the filehandle object you want to use to the
call with a named argument.This results in
In the particular case of throwing away the output data,
should be used instead.If you just want the data to be intercepted for you
do just that;