I'm reading numbers from a txt file using BufferedReader for analysis. The way I'm going about this now is- reading a line using .readline, splitting this string into an array of strings using .split
public InputFile () {
fileIn = null;
//stuff here
fileIn = new FileReader((filename + ".txt"));
buffIn = new BufferedReader(fileIn);
//stuff here
public String ReadBigStringIn() {
String line = null;
try { line = buffIn.readLine(); }
catch(IOException e){};
return line;
public ProcessMain() {
String[] stringArray;
String line;
try {
InputFile stringIn = new InputFile();
line = stringIn.ReadBigStringIn();
stringArray = line.split("[^0-9.+Ee-]+");
// analysis etc.
This works fine, but what if the txt file has multiple lines of text? Is there a way to output a single long string, or perhaps another way of doing it? Maybe use while(buffIn.readline != null) {}
? Not sure how to implement this.
Ideas appreciated, thanks.
This creates a long string, every line is seprateted from string " " (one space):