I tried using something like this to set the tool tip of a CMenu item (as described here) but it is just being displayed in a single line and the line break is not visible.
// read control id
UINT id = menu->GetMenuItemID(1235);
// modify caption and add tooltip?
menu->ModifyMenu( id, MF_BYCOMMAND, id, "Click here\nThis is the tooltip for the menu item ...");
I also tried to set the caption directly in the visual studio resource designer of the menu item with the same effect. Can you give me any hints on whats wrong? I am using VS2008 on windows 7.
Any help is appreciated!
Looks like an duplicate
Mainly you should use \r\n instead of \n because this is what mfc expects.
Perhaps you have not added the windows xp common controls to your application.
Try adding the common controls to your stdafx.h: