I am using google's autocomplete api just like in the docs and it works fine. However I have a form submitted with ajax every time it changes . It works fine but when I use the autocomplete for the location with the mouse (choosing a place with a click). It trigger the onchange and submits the form before The location is set.
How can I block this behaviour ? I mean submit after the mouse click on the autocomplete.
Here is a fiddle with an example : http://jsfiddle.net/8GnZB/2/
$(document).ready(function () {
$location_input = $("#location");
var options = {
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: {
country: 'be'
autocomplete = new
google.maps.places.Autocomplete($location_input.get(0), options);
$("#search_form input").change(function () {
var data = $("#search_form").serialize();
/* Serialize form & send it to the search view */
return false;
function show_submit_data(data) {
<script type="text/javascript"
<form id="search_form" action="" method="post" >location :
<input id="location" name="location" type="text" />
<input id="data" name="data" type="text" />
</form>Sent data :
<div id="result"></div>
The only work around I managed to work so far is a timeout on the change()
event but is kinda ugly.
To solve this problem ,you have to add listener which enables you to select places on mouse click.
Perfectly work on angular2+
Here is the code
Make sure to run the whole code in ngOnInit() and also import ngZone class and declare it in constructor otherwise ngZone shows error.
To solve your problem you need to bind the correct event for your input, remember that library have their own events.
The object that you're using it's autocomplete
Now you can bind the event
which it's trigger when you needed, in this point you can control whatever you need.Here's a live example http://jsfiddle.net/8GnZB/7/