I am working on a project at Intellij IDEA. I moved refactored some packages. However I want to undo my changes. When I click revert button it says
Cannot Undo
and shows a list under that:
Following files affected by this action have been already changed
How can I revert my changes because I lost some packages and classes. Does Intellij IDEA keeps them inside a temporary folder?
PS: I use open jdk 1.6.0 on a 64 bit Ubuntu computer.
As I googled to here several times when I developing IntelliJ plugin emacsIDEAs, I will leave my solution here for someone who need it.
usually change to document need be done in runWriteAction, and for undo changes to document need called in CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand
so the solution is: call executeCommand in runWriteAction, then the changes will be undoable.
code repo: https://github.com/whunmr/emacsIDEAs
Undo it through VCS --> Local History --> Show History.
IntelliJ IDEA has a great feature called as local history. I could revert my changes.
There is a video gives a detailed example for it:http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/training/demos/local_history.html
You can get more information from here: http://jetbrains.com/help/idea/2016.1/using-local-history.html