Is it possible to nest html forms like this
<form name="mainForm">
<form name="subForm">
so that both forms work? My friend is having problems with this, a part of the subForm
works, while another part of it does not.
Is it possible to nest html forms like this
<form name="mainForm">
<form name="subForm">
so that both forms work? My friend is having problems with this, a part of the subForm
works, while another part of it does not.
No you cannot have a nested form. Instead you can open up a Modal that contains form and perform Ajax form submit.
Although the question is pretty old and I agree with the @everyone that nesting of form is not allowed in HTML
But this something all might want to see this
where you can hack(I'm calling it a hack since I'm sure this ain't legitimate) html to allow browser to have nested form
JS FIDDLE LINK (html4 specification notes no changes regarding nesting forms from 3.2 to 4) (html4 specification notes no changes regarding nesting forms from 4.0 to 4.1) (html5 specification notes no changes regarding nesting forms from 4 to 5) comments to "This feature allows authors to work around the lack of support for nested form elements.", but does not cite where this is specified, I think they are assuming that we should assume that it's specified in the html3 specification :)
Use empty form tag before your nested form
Tested and Worked on Firefox, Chrome
Not Tested on I.E.
You can also use formaction="" inside the button tag.
This would be nested in the original form as a separate button.
About nesting forms: I spent 10 years one afternoon trying to debug an ajax script.
my previous answer/example didn't account for the html markup, sorry.
form_2 constantly failed saying invalid form_2.
When I moved the ajaxContainer that produced form_2
of form_1, I was back in business. It the answer the question as to why one might nest forms. I mean, really, what's the ID for if not to define which form is to be used? There must be a better, slicker work around.