In Swing, it was trivially easy to style a JLabel using HTML - you simply used the HTML you wanted as the text for the label, and it was rendered appropriately.
In JavaFX this isn't available, but we can set the style of a particular label (or node in general) using the setStyle()
However, using this approach it's not obvious how to set part of a label to be a certain style, for instance the equivalent of:
JLabel label = new JLabel("<html>Part of this <b>text is b</b>old and part isn't.</html>");
What would be the easiest way to achieve something like the above?
You can try using TextFlow to combine different styled text nodes like
Pseudo-selectors could have been a work-around but unfortunately most of them are not supported yet - As for Rich Text Support in controls, they will be provided by JavaFX8 -