This question seems simple enough, but I can't find an answer anywhere...
At the beginning of my php script/file I want to create a variable.
$variable = 'this is my variable';
I want this variable to be available within the entire script, so that all classes, methods, functions, included scripts, etc. can simple call this variable as $variable.
Class MyClass
public function showvariable()
echo $variable;
The $_SESSION, $_POST, $_GET variables all behave like that. I can just write a method and use $_POST and it'll work. but if I use $variable, which I have defined at the beginning of my script, it says "Notice: Undefined variable: variable in ..." It even says it, when I write a function, rather than a class method...
I tried to write
global $variable = 'this is my variable';
But then the script wouldn't load... "HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request."
How can I make a variable truly globally accessible like $_POST?
Why would I need this? I specifically plan on using it as a form token. At the top of the page I generate my form token as $token, at the bottom of the page I store it in the session. Before handling any form I check if the SESSION token matches the POST token... And since I often have multiple forms on the page (login form in the top nav, and register form in the main body) i just wanna make it convenient and call $token on each form. Sometimes my formelements are generated by classes or functions, but they don't recognize the variable and say it's not defined.
In PHP, global variables must be declared as such within each function in which they will be used. See: PHP Manual, section on variable scope
That being said, global variables are often a bad idea, and in most cases there's a way to avoid their use.
Just define a variable outside of any class or function. Then use keyword
inside any class or function.I found it... -.- I thought it would be easy enough...
I have to call to the variable by using
Just found it... finally...
EDIT like 8 months later or so:
I just learned about CONSTANTS!
They just can't be reassigned... I guess I could use that, too!
you need to declare global to access it in any function scope:
at the top of your script:
in your class