I'm wondering if there is a way to accomplish this with an SQL query.
I have a table, lets call it "LISTOFTHINGS" that has two fields of interest "ID" and "NAMEOFTHING"
What I want to do is construct a query such that what gets returned is the results of this query:
and adds a row before the first row of the above query that has " -1, 'ALL THINGs' " as the values.
So if the table has the following three entries:
1, 'THING 1'
3, 'THING 3'
2, 'THING 2'
Then the result that I want looks like this:
1, 'THING 1'
2, 'THING 2'
3, 'THING 3'
I know that I can do the query and create the list with code, but inside the VB6 program where I am using this, I have a 3rd party app (which I don't have the code for) that takes the query to populate an ACTIVEX table control with the results. I don't have the hooks to go in to add the static value.
I also know that I could just put a record in the table for " -1, 'ALL THINGS' " but the problem is, if I do that, I will need to change a lot of places in the program to ignore that record when doing processing.
The 'ALL THINGS' value is sort of a pseudo record that handles a special case for one part of the program.
Try this:
Could you do a union in the query?
Apparently, this is how it should be done for DB2