Why use double pointer? or Why use pointers to poi

2018-12-31 16:04发布

When should a double pointer be used in C? Can anyone explain with a example?

What I know is that a double pointer is a pointer to a pointer. Why would I need a pointer to a pointer?

标签: c pointers
2楼-- · 2018-12-31 16:46

Strings are a great example of uses of double pointers. The string itself is a pointer, so any time you need to point to a string, you'll need a double pointer.

3楼-- · 2018-12-31 16:47

1. Basic Concept -

When you declare as follows : -

1. char *ch - (called character pointer)
- ch contains the address of a single character.
- (*ch) will dereference to the value of the character..

2. char **ch -
'ch' contains the address of an Array of character pointers. (as in 1)
'*ch' contains the address of a single character. (Note that it's different from 1, due to difference in declaration).
(**ch) will dereference to the exact value of the character..

Adding more pointers expand the dimension of a datatype, from character to string, to array of strings, and so on... You can relate it to a 1d, 2d, 3d matrix..

So, the usage of pointer depends upon how you declare it.

Here is a simple code..

int main()
    char **p;
    p = (char **)malloc(100);
    p[0] = (char *)"Apple";      // or write *p, points to location of 'A'
    p[1] = (char *)"Banana";     // or write *(p+1), points to location of 'B'

    cout << *p << endl;          //Prints the first pointer location until it finds '\0'
    cout << **p << endl;         //Prints the exact character which is being pointed
    *p++;                        //Increments for the next string
    cout << *p;

2. Another Application of Double Pointers -
(this would also cover pass by reference)

Suppose you want to update a character from a function. If you try the following : -

void func(char ch)
    ch = 'B';

int main()
    char ptr;
    ptr = 'A';
    printf("%c", ptr);

    printf("%c\n", ptr);

The output will be AA. This doesn't work, as you have "Passed By Value" to the function.

The correct way to do that would be -

void func( char *ptr)        //Passed by Reference
    *ptr = 'B';

int main()
    char *ptr;
    ptr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 1);
    *ptr = 'A';
    printf("%c\n", *ptr);

    printf("%c\n", *ptr);

Now extend this requirement for updating a string instead of character.
For this, you need to receive the parameter in the function as a double pointer.

void func(char **str)
    strcpy(str, "Second");

int main()
    char **str;
    // printf("%d\n", sizeof(char));
    *str = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char) * 10);          //Can hold 10 character pointers
    int i = 0;
        str = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 1);         //Each pointer can point to a memory of 1 character.

    strcpy(str, "First");
    printf("%s\n", str);
    printf("%s\n", str);

In this example, method expects a double pointer as a parameter to update the value of a string.

4楼-- · 2018-12-31 16:52

If you want to have a list of characters (a word), you can use char *word

If you want a list of words (a sentence), you can use char **sentence

If you want a list of sentences (a monologue), you can use char ***monologue

If you want a list of monologues (a biography), you can use char ****biography

If you want a list of biographies (a bio-library), you can use char *****biolibrary

If you want a list of bio-libraries (a ??lol), you can use char ******lol

... ...

yes, I know these might not be the best data structures

Usage example with a very very very boring lol

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int wordsinsentence(char **x) {
    int w = 0;
    while (*x) {
        w += 1;
    return w;

int wordsinmono(char ***x) {
    int w = 0;
    while (*x) {
        w += wordsinsentence(*x);
    return w;

int wordsinbio(char ****x) {
    int w = 0;
    while (*x) {
        w += wordsinmono(*x);
    return w;

int wordsinlib(char *****x) {
    int w = 0;
    while (*x) {
        w += wordsinbio(*x);
    return w;

int wordsinlol(char ******x) {
    int w = 0;
    while (*x) {
        w += wordsinlib(*x);
    return w;

int main(void) {
    char *word;
    char **sentence;
    char ***monologue;
    char ****biography;
    char *****biolibrary;
    char ******lol;

    //fill data structure
    word = malloc(4 * sizeof *word); // assume it worked
    strcpy(word, "foo");

    sentence = malloc(4 * sizeof *sentence); // assume it worked
    sentence[0] = word;
    sentence[1] = word;
    sentence[2] = word;
    sentence[3] = NULL;

    monologue = malloc(4 * sizeof *monologue); // assume it worked
    monologue[0] = sentence;
    monologue[1] = sentence;
    monologue[2] = sentence;
    monologue[3] = NULL;

    biography = malloc(4 * sizeof *biography); // assume it worked
    biography[0] = monologue;
    biography[1] = monologue;
    biography[2] = monologue;
    biography[3] = NULL;

    biolibrary = malloc(4 * sizeof *biolibrary); // assume it worked
    biolibrary[0] = biography;
    biolibrary[1] = biography;
    biolibrary[2] = biography;
    biolibrary[3] = NULL;

    lol = malloc(4 * sizeof *lol); // assume it worked
    lol[0] = biolibrary;
    lol[1] = biolibrary;
    lol[2] = biolibrary;
    lol[3] = NULL;

    printf("total words in my lol: %d\n", wordsinlol(lol));



total words in my lol: 243
5楼-- · 2018-12-31 16:52

Here is a SIMPLE answer!!!!

  • lets say you have a pointer that its value is an address.
  • but now you want to change that address.
  • you could, by doing pointer1 = pointer2, and pointer1 would now have the address of pointer2.
  • BUT! if you want a function to do that for you, and you want the result to persist after the function is done, you need do some extra work, you need a new pointer3 just to point to pointer1, and pass pointer3 to the function.

  • here is a fun example (take a look at the output bellow first, to understand!):

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

    int c = 1;
    int d = 2;
    int e = 3;
    int * a = &c;
    int * b = &d;
    int * f = &e;
    int ** pp = &a;  // pointer to pointer 'a'

    printf("\n a's value: %x \n", a);
    printf("\n b's value: %x \n", b);
    printf("\n f's value: %x \n", f);
    printf("\n can we change a?, lets see \n");
    printf("\n a = b \n");
    a = b;
    printf("\n a's value is now: %x, same as 'b'... it seems we can, but can we do it in a function? lets see... \n", a);
    printf("\n cant_change(a, f); \n");
    cant_change(a, f);
    printf("\n a's value is now: %x, Doh! same as 'b'...  that function tricked us. \n", a);

    printf("\n NOW! lets see if a pointer to a pointer solution can help us... remember that 'pp' point to 'a' \n");
     printf("\n change(pp, f); \n");
    change(pp, f);
    printf("\n a's value is now: %x, YEAH! same as 'f'...  that function ROCKS!!!. \n", a);
    return 0;

void cant_change(int * x, int * z){
    x = z;
    printf("\n ----> value of 'a' is: %x inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see\n", x);

void change(int ** x, int * z){
    *x = z;
    printf("\n ----> value of 'a' is: %x inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see\n", *x);
  • and here is the output:
 a's value: bf94c204

 b's value: bf94c208 

 f's value: bf94c20c 

 can we change a?, lets see 

 a = b 

 a's value is now: bf94c208, same as 'b'... it seems we can, but can we do it in a function? lets see... 

 cant_change(a, f); 

 ----> value of 'a' is: bf94c20c inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see

 a's value is now: bf94c208, Doh! same as 'b'...  that function tricked us. 

 NOW! lets see if a pointer to a pointer solution can help us... remember that 'pp' point to 'a' 

 change(pp, f); 

 ----> value of 'a' is: bf94c20c inside function, same as 'f', BUT will it be the same outside of this function? lets see

 a's value is now: bf94c20c, YEAH! same as 'f'...  that function ROCKS!!!. 
6楼-- · 2018-12-31 16:52

The following is a very simple C++ example that shows that if you want to use a function to set a pointer to point to an object, you need a pointer to a pointer. Otherwise, the pointer will keep reverting to null.

(A C++ answer, but I believe it's the same in C.)

(Also, for reference: Google("pass by value c++") = "By default, arguments in C++ are passed by value. When an argument is passed by value, the argument's value is copied into the function's parameter.")

So we want to set the pointer b equal to the string a.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

void Function_1(std::string* a, std::string* b) {
  b = a;
  std::cout << (b == nullptr);  // False

void Function_2(std::string* a, std::string** b) {
  *b = a;
  std::cout << (b == nullptr);  // False

int main() {
  std::string a("Hello!");
  std::string* b(nullptr);
  std::cout << (b == nullptr);  // True

  Function_1(&a, b);
  std::cout << (b == nullptr);  // True

  Function_2(&a, &b);
  std::cout << (b == nullptr);  // False

// Output: 10100

What happens at the line Function_1(&a, b);?

  • The "value" of &main::a (an address) is copied into the parameter std::string* Function_1::a. Therefore Function_1::a is a pointer to (i.e. the memory address of) the string main::a.

  • The "value" of main::b (an address in memory) is copied into the parameter std::string* Function_1::b. Therefore there are now 2 of these addresses in memory, both null pointers. At the line b = a;, the local variable Function_1::b is then changed to equal Function_1::a (= &main::a), but the variable main::b is unchanged. After the call to Function_1, main::b is still a null pointer.

What happens at the line Function_2(&a, &b);?

  • The treatment of the a variable is the same: within the function, Function_2::a is the address of the string main::a.

  • But the variable b is now being passed as a pointer to a pointer. The "value" of &main::b (the address of the pointer main::b) is copied into std::string** Function_2::b. Therefore within Function_2, dereferencing this as *Function_2::b will access and modify main::b . So the line *b = a; is actually setting main::b (an address) equal to Function_2::a (= address of main::a) which is what we want.

If you want to use a function to modify a thing, be it an object or an address (pointer), you have to pass in a pointer to that thing. The thing that you actually pass in cannot be modified (in the calling scope) because a local copy is made.

(An exception is if the parameter is a reference, such as std::string& a. But usually these are const. Generally, if you call f(x), if x is an object you should be able to assume that f won't modify x. But if x is a pointer, then you should assume that f might modify the object pointed to by x.)

7楼-- · 2018-12-31 16:55

One thing I use them for constantly is when I have an array of objects and I need to perform lookups (binary search) on them by different fields.
I keep the original array...

int num_objects;
OBJECT *original_array = malloc(sizeof(OBJECT)*num_objects);

Then make an array of sorted pointers to the objects.

int compare_object_by_name( const void *v1, const void *v2 ) {
  OBJECT *o1 = *(OBJECT **)v1;
  OBJECT *o2 = *(OBJECT **)v2;
  return (strcmp(o1->name, o2->name);

OBJECT **object_ptrs_by_name = malloc(sizeof(OBJECT *)*num_objects);
  int i = 0;
  for( ; i<num_objects; i++)
    object_ptrs_by_name[i] = original_array+i;
  qsort(object_ptrs_by_name, num_objects, sizeof(OBJECT *), compare_object_by_name);

You can make as many sorted pointer arrays as you need, then use a binary search on the sorted pointer array to access the object you need by the data you have. The original array of objects can stay unsorted, but each pointer array will be sorted by their specified field.

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