I have two different functions in my program, one writes an output to a txt file (function A) and the other one reads it and should use it as an input (function B).
Function A works just fine (although i'm always open to suggestions on how i could improve). It looks like this:
def createFile():
fileName = raw_input("Filename: ")
fileNameExt = fileName + ".txt" #to make sure a .txt extension is used
line1 = "1.1.1"
line2 = int(input("Enter line 2: ")
line3 = int(input("Enter line 3: ")
file = (fileNameExt, "w+")
file.write("%s\n%s\n%s" % (line1, line2, line3))
This appears to work fine and will create a file like
Now, function B should use that file as an input. This is how far i've gotten so far:
def loadFile():
loadFileName = raw_input("Filename: ")
loadFile = open(loadFileName, "r")
line1 = loadFile.read(5)
That's where i'm stuck, i know how to use this first 5 characters but i need line 2 and 3 as variables too.
is what you wantOther option:
More read:
this will store them in a dictionary with lettters as keys ... if you really want to cram it into variables(note that in general this is a TERRIBLE idea) you can do