I have java war file and i want deploy into IBM web sphere portal.
Kindly tell me steps to deploy java war file
Many Thanks
I have java war file and i want deploy into IBM web sphere portal.
Kindly tell me steps to deploy java war file
Many Thanks
Is that a WAR file with a portlet(s)?
Try this link: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/portalwiki.nsf/dx/Export_the_WAR_file_and_install_the_portlet_wp7 - step 2 onwards.
As suggested by Malcolm Smith in previous answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/11249364/762913, easiest way is to use the admin console (locally or on the deployment manager, if you have a network deployment).
One word of caution though - the "standard" license for Websphere Portal does not allow you to deploy non-portal/portlet applications. You have a license to run Websphere Portal, not a license for the Websphere Application Server (WAS) on itself. So if you are considering deploying a standalone application (web application, web service, whatever) onto a Websphere Portal installation, I would check your license carefully so that you actually have a license for WAS as well as Portal. Otherwise, if IBM audits your company and finds out, they may back-charge you for WAS licenses plus penalty, which is not cheap.
Portal runs on top of a WAS instance - you can just use the WAS Admin console to install the WAR as you would on any standard WebSphere environment. The link to access your Admin Console is dependent on the host, the port that admin console is bound to and the version of WAS you are running - so I can't tell you what it is. On WAS7 + Portal it is typically something like: