Similar to this question except that no answer was given with regards to the main question of getting an object from reference.
For example:
PS C:\Users\admin> Get-WmiObject -Namespace $namespace -Class $class
IsActive : 1
oA: \\.\ROOT\abc\abc\"tst2"
oB : \\.\ROOT\abc\abc\"tst3"
PSComputerName : admin-test2
and oB
are references and therefore come up as strings in powershell. Is there a way I can get the object they represent using WMI query in powershell?
Assuming that
actually are strings you should be able to resolve these WMI paths to WMI objects like this:Example:
Your question is rather vague, though, so I'm not sure if this answer actually covers what you've been asking.
As OP mentioned that all he wants is a generic answer (which is again tough given the nature of Object Paths and dependency on key), I am giving another example of using Associators Of WMI query.
If you need to use the example above, you need to first find out what is the key property and use that in the object path.
-----Original answer -----
What namespace? What class? You need to use associations and/or references to retrieve that. It is hard to give a generic answer unless we know the exact object path. For example,
The above query will give all references of Win32_Service with an object path ServiceName='NetLogon'