I am really new to WebRTC. What i need is to implement app to app voice calling (not video calling) feature in my android app. I want to call randomly among my app users by webRTC on android. I implemented appRTC sdk in android studio and made an app. By this app i can create or join in a room. And then i can create peer to peer connection (voice call). Its 1 to 1 calling in same room. But how to implement random calling. I just want to know the way i can achieve it. Thank you
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Use easyRTC which is built on webRTC. I have personally applied it in one of our project for audio /video and chat communication. Use this link https://demo.easyrtc.com/demos/index.html There is only one challenge I am facing right now, how to make it work on iOS
I've been playing with webRTC quite a lot recently and created videochat-roullete as a sample for our webRTC wrapper, you might want to take a look into it : https://github.com/netguru/videochatguru-android
WebRTC can be problematic in many cases as it lacks of good documentation, hope it helps.