I have been developing an application in Yii framework. I create a registration form where there is a field that is password. After registration, I saw that password result stored in db is being encrypted twice of md5.
I wrote in model as:
protected function afterValidate()
$this->password = $this->encrypt($this->password);
public function encrypt($value)
return md5($value);
an in controller
public function actionRegistration()
$model=new User('registration');
// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
$model->scenario = 'registerwcaptcha';
if(isset($_POST['User']) )
$keystring = md5( rand(0,1000) ); // Generate random 32 character hash and assign it to a local variable.
$model->keystring = $keystring;
//$model->password = md5( $model->password );
// and here is the actual HACKY part
$model->scenario = NULL;
// save user registration
Could anybody help me please.
The latest version of Yii has password hashing build in.
To hash you can use:
$hash = CPasswordHelper::hashPassword($password);
and to verify:
For more detailed information take a look at this page: