I try to upload a file with ftp_put(), it does not seem to find the path while it's there, it's ran on the CLI and will be scheduled in a cron
[root@***** v1]# php cron_daily.php
[PREPROD][INFO] Creating file '/somepath/uploads/billingExport.pdf'
[PREPROD][WARNING] ftp_put(): File does not exist. err:2 '/somepath/cron_billing.php' [141]
Could not upload file '/somepath/uploads/billingExport.pdf'
the file is there and should be accessible:
[root@***** v1]# ls -lha /somepath/uploads/billingExport.pdf
-rw-r-----. 1 root root 184 Oct 19 12:44 /somepath/uploads/billingExport.pdf
code :
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
if (!$conn_id)
FLog("ftp_connect could not connect to FTP '".$ftp_server."'");
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);
if (!$login_result)
FLog("Could not login to FTP with user '".$ftp_user_name."'");
if(!ftp_pasv($conn_id, true))
FLog("Could not switch to passive mode");
else if (ftp_put($conn_id, $fileName, LOCAL_FOLDER."/billingExport.pdf", FTP_ASCII))
echo "File '".$fileName."' uploaded";
else {
echo "Could not upload file '".$fileName."'";
any help appreciated
rh-php70.x86_64 2.3-1.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php.x86_64 7.0.10-2.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php-cli.x86_64 7.0.10-2.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php-common.x86_64 7.0.10-2.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php-json.x86_64 7.0.10-2.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php-mbstring.x86_64 7.0.10-2.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php-mysqlnd.x86_64 7.0.10-2.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php-pdo.x86_64 7.0.10-2.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php-pear.noarch 1:1.10.1-3.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php-process.x86_64 7.0.10-2.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php-xml.x86_64 7.0.10-2.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-php-zip.x86_64 7.0.10-2.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
rh-php70-runtime.x86_64 2.3-1.el7 @repo.php7-MAriadb10
it was a php issue
the error is remote fs related
I added a directory and it worked