I've got the most annoying problem with my GUI Exporter in Maya. I've made the textField etc. work, but I can't change the value of the textField after it's created, which is what I need to do.
What I want to do for example is, let's say the filepath is none from the beginning. The textField has now printed out: "None" in it, but after you press browse and select a directory, I want it to change None to the directory path etc.
That's the only problem I currently have and the error code received is this:
Error: RuntimeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\Python\lib\site-packages\pymel\internal\pmcmds.py line 134: Too many children in layout: rowLayout3 #
#Setup the window using the returned window
def setupWindow(self, new_window):
frame_layout = pm.frameLayout(labelVisible = False, marginWidth = 5, marginHeight = 5)
pm.columnLayout(w = 350, h = 300)
pm.text(label = "Filepath: ")
self.textField = pm.textField("FieldNorm", text = "%s" % self.filePath, editable = False, w = 350, h = 20)
pm.button(label = "Browse", w = 100, h = 20, command = self.browse)
pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 2, adjustableColumn = 1, w = 350, h = 25)
pm.button(label = "Export", w = 200, h = 25, command = self.export)
pm.button(label = "Close", w = 100, h = 25, command = pm.Callback(self.closeButton, new_window))
print "<Setting up window failed>"
#Show the returned window
def showWindow(self, new_window):
if new_window is not None:
print "<Window does not exist!>"
#Browse Directory and Paste into textField
def browse(self, filePath):
self.filePath = pm.fileDialog2(dialogStyle = 2, returnFilter = 1, fileFilter = "*.obj")
if self.filePath is not None:
self.textField = pm.textField("FieldNorm", text = "%s" % self.filePath, editable = False, w = 350, h = 20)
print "<No changes has been made!>"
The error means you are adding a new control, probably to the rowlayout at the end of the setupWindow function which holds the two buttons - Maya thinks you're adding a third
If you want to update the contents of self.textfield in the browse functions, you want
which will edit the already created field. The line in the example
is trying to create a new one, as @julianMann points out
Looks like you need the edit flag in the pm.textField line in browse()