I've seen many of this topics here but still confusing to implement it. In my case i need to do these:
- Search certain phrases in title & text and give title^3, text^1
- based on result in #1, i need to boost the results by modified time
i've tried these with different results:
?q={!boost b=$dateboost v=$qq defType=dismax}
And Normal Query with different setting in solrconfig.xml
<str name="qf">title^3 text</str>
<str name="pf">title^3 text</str>
<str name="bf">recip(ms(NOW/HOUR,modified),86400000,1,1)</str>
I prefer to have the boost set by default in solrconfig, thanks in advanced.
Finally i used the first option, since when using !boost the dismax handler config in solrconfig.xml is being ignored.