I have a code in VB6. Can anyone tell me how to write it in C#
. This code is below:
Set Amibroker = CreateObject("Broker.Application")
Set STOCK = Amibroker.Stocks.Add(ticker)
Set quote = STOCK.Quotations.Add(stInDate)
quote.Open = stInOpen
quote.High = stInHigh
quote.Low = stInlow
quote.Close = stInYcp
quote.Volume = stInVolume
Set STOCK = Nothing
Set quote = Nothing
What is the equivalent of CreateObject
in C#?. I try to add references to com object but i can't find any com object as Broker.Application or amibroker
If you use .NET Framework 4.0 and above, you can use this pattern:
Next you must wrap all AmiBroker OLE Automation classes. For example wrap Commentary class:
If you are using .net 4 or later, and therefore can make use of
, you can do this quite simply. Here's an example that uses the Excel automation interface.If you can't use dynamic then it's much more messy.
Trying to do very much of that will sap the lifeblood from you.
COM is so much easier if you can use early bound dispatch rather than late bound as shown above. Are you sure you can't find the right reference for the COM object?
Here's a snippet from the C# code I used to automate Amibroker (from when I went down that path). You'll need to reference System.Runtime.Interopservices
Typing a dot won't bring up the comObject internal methods, though.
All I can say about this method is - it works, like a charm, but stay away from it, like David said. I got my inspiration for this method from:
For another angle of attack, you may want to check out (I think this is early binding):
Hope at least some of this help you. I've used both these methods with Amibroker and C#, but I ended up leaving them behind. COM and Amibroker don't mix well. Even TJ says so.
Good luck anyway.