I have been developing a form and have linked it to the Google Docs spreadsheet. So when a user enters details it goes straight to the spreadsheet and populates it. I took the advice from this bit of code here;
It works perfectly here: http://betaburo.markdunbavan.co.uk
My only problem is that I want to create a success message and error messages.
There is a bit of code in the main.js file that basically validates it but it is not working or recognising the errors or the success.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Mark
If you use jQuery you can check to see that something has been entered. There are a couple ways to do this.
For example, if you wanted to validate your first name field you could do:
You could also use .serialize on the input, then display the success/error message depending on the length of the serialized entry (i.d. use .length on the serialized entry).