I want to receive data from elm327 device.
in line 7 I receive AT+BRSF=24\r
string instead of string with the speed.
1.private async Task<string> GetSpeed()
2. {
3. string retVal;
4. _dataWriter.WriteString("010D\r"); // send pid for speed information
5. await _dataWriter.FlushAsync();
6. await _dataReader.LoadAsync(30); // get answer
7. String Message = _dataReader.ReadString(11);
8. retVal = Message;
9. if (retVal.Contains('<'))
10. {
11. retVal.Substring(0, retVal.IndexOf("<"));
12. }
13. return retVal.Replace("\n", "");
14. }
I'm using SDP Bluetooth protocol:
PeerFinder.AlternateIdentities["Bluetooth:SDP"] = "{00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}";
the problem is with the connecting channel, I first tried with the next line:
but the working channel is 16 and not 1, and the working line is: