when i try to call c# code from c++, i followed instructions from this article
part of my c# is :
public interface IGameHelper
void getInfo(out string result);
public class GameHelper : IGameHelper
void getInfo(out string result)
result = new StringBuilder().Append("Hello").ToString();
part of my c++ code:
#import "../lst/bin/Release/LST.tlb" named_guids raw_interfaces_only
using namespace LST;
using namespace std;
HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
IGameHelperPtr pIGame(__uuidof(GameHelper));
BSTR ha = SysAllocString(NULL);
wprintf(_T(" %s"),ha);
but I just cannot get the string result value, it works fine when i try to get integer results,but not string.
I dont know COM very much. PLEASE HELP ME. Thank you.
Change your C# code to:
Then your C++ client to:
That should work
Generally your code should work but first make sure it compiles correctly as
void getInfo(out string result)
inside ofGameHelper
should be public. Then againpIGame->GetInfo(&ha);
should be fixed withgetInfo
. So you may be running an older version of the code.According to Msdn if you call SysAllocString whilst passing in NULL, it returns NULL.
Aren't you therefore passing a reference to a NULL pointer into your COM interface? And if so ha will never get populated? (I'm not sure with COM so may be wrong)