Docusign Embedded Signing - Handling Callback for

2019-06-14 08:18发布

I am developing a website based on AngularJS which interact with API's made on Django/Python.

I have an iframe which uses Docusign's Embedded Signing written on Python.

I know about returnUrl and the query parameters it has. But what I'm trying to achieve is to close(remove from DOM) the iframe on successful completion. Can anyone help me on how to go about on this?


2楼-- · 2019-06-14 09:14

I'm not sure about implementation specifics with the technologies you're using, but perhaps you can implement a similar approach to what I've done before in an ASP.NET app:

  1. In the "POST Recipient View" API request to DocuSign, specify returnUrl property to specify where DocuSign should redirect to upon completion -- in my example, I'll call this page DSComplete.aspx. So, when the DocuSign session concludes, the iFrame content will render DSComplete.aspx.

  2. In DSComplete.aspx, I then use JavaScript to immediately redirect the "content page" (i.e., the parent page of the iframe) to another destination -- in my example, let's call that destination DSResults.aspx. This is what gets us out of the iFrame, and back into just another regular/non-iFrame page. I also pass along (as part of the redirect URL) the full querystring that came from DocuSign to the returnUrl page:

    ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Load", "window.parent.location.href = 'DSResults.aspx?" + Request.QueryString.ToString() + "'; ");

  3. Finally, in DSResults.aspx, I evaluate querystring parameters (especially the event parameter that DocuSign used to specify the outcome of the embedded session), and take appropriate action (i.e., display appropriate messaging to the user according to the outcome of the signing session, etc.).

So, regardless of what language you're using, the key is really that the returnUrl page needs to immediately redirect the content page (i.e., parent page of the iFrame) to another regular/non-iFrame page (by setting "window.parent.location.href" using JavaScript as described in #2 above), and then that other page actually does the evaluation of the event querystring parameter, etc. (#3 above).

3楼-- · 2019-06-14 09:20

the returnUrl parameter does not support anything besides a standard http/https link. You'll have to make a redirect page that does that action on the back end.

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